Wednesday 28 May 2014

Green Beetle.

The beetle has had some metallic paint added as well as some stitching on it and the background. As it's a carved stamp the legs are somewhat asymmetrical, but I'm fine with that, it's hand carved after all.


Mary said...

This is beautiful! The blue has worked so well. And I have just been telling a child recently that mother nature doesn't do symmetry all that perfectly.
What will you do with this piece? Is it to be framed or made part of another piece? I am always interested to see what people are going to do with the wonderful work.

mycamerandme365 said...

Thank you Mary. The beetle is just part of a much larger piece which will be submitted to the Embroiderers Guild exhibition in August. One of my nasturtium works has been selected for the Castlemaine exhibition,the opening of which is on Saturday afternoon with an address being given by Lesley Uren.

dorothypandorasbox said...

It's gorgeous. love the colours and it's beautifully made. Can't wait to see the whole piece now. :-)

Mary said...

919Hello again, I got to see some of your work 'in the flesh' today, at the Guild's Wild Things exhibition. As usual, it is always much better to see the actual works. Congratulations.